Walking in the mist

Lovely woods
Lovely woods

It was a beautiful morning to go walking. I have been trying to get myself in shape and lose this weight that I am carrying around, 100 lbs too much weight physically, and even more emotionally. I keep trying to remember all of the quotes and sayings that people say to help keep a person motivated. The simple “You can do it” to “Be the change you wish to see in this world.” by Ghandi is another one that I seem to use as my mantra. I have allowed myself to become so bogged down and negativity with the “I can’t” or “I just am…” (Fill in the blanks with just about any excuse) that I have stopped moving forward. Since hitting the 52 year old mark I let myself begin to think of myself as old. I am not old. I am just starting to get into the middle of the middle years. I have time left and I need to use it.  To get in shape either emotionally or physically a person needs to move forward. Just getting up and dusting, cleaning the house, gardening and just walking are great ways to start physically and reminding yourself that you are worth the time and the effort of finding joyful and satisfying activities are beginning steps to losing that emotional weight.

As I walked this morning, the cool mist in the air was so refreshing and carried the smell of the woods and the fields that surround the walking trails. As I walked past one particular area the scent of the woods was so strong and sweet. It brought joy to my heart as I remembered being a little girl and running through the woods and salt marshes by our house. Especially on foggy or misty mornings when there was just enough chill in the air to let you know fall was coming or already there and carried the scent of the ocean mixed with the scent of the fall woods in the air. The leaves on the trees are finally starting to fully color and the sun rising and shining it’s light on the leaves of the trees was beautiful and brought back memories of those New England woods.  I closed my eyes and just took in the scents and warmth of the sun and the good memories of days well spent.

Learn from yest…

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow.”..Albert Einstein

When I saw this quote it really spoke to me. It is so similar to something my grandmother used to say to me all the time and something that I didn’t really understand until I was older and had too many regrets. “Live your life today so that you will have no regrets tomorrow.” The saying is timeless and applies to life no matter your age, gender, culture or religion.