This is just irresponsible journalism

A good read.

See, there's this thing called biology...

So of course there is a great deal of heated debate after the election. People have been blasting Trump supporters all over facebook, alleging the Trump election has now ushered in massive hate crimes. I’ve been looking at photos of sloppily scrawled swastikas on bathroom walls for a few days now, and hyperbole that insists, “this is what you’ve unleashed!”

Those things are pretty easy to debunk, to point people to the truth, but when CNN starts trying to pour fuel on the fire of excessive hysteria, it becomes far more challenging. This particular article from CNN really ticked me off, ” FBI: Hate crimes spike…” with the strategically placed byline, “Reports of racism, bigotry post-election.” If that doesn’t get you all riled up, there is “anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States rose 67%.”

That is exactly what I received, a hastily flung accusation that since Trump’s election, “anti-Muslim…

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