On Learning To Love Offensively (For Those Weary From The Fight)

This is an amazing post and addresses so much of what I am feeling and going through right now. I have been trying to put into words how I am feeling and how I want to deal with the injustices in the “Christian” religion and this has given me so much needed guidance.

john pavlovitz

Person in field

This is getting simpler.

I’ve recently found a clearing of sorts; a place where my mind and my spirit are finding peace and rest no matter how loud and ugly things get—though it wasn’t always this way.

For a long time I let the angry, mean-spirited, violent noise get the best of me. That happens to so many good people out here trying to change things, trying to care about stuff that matters, trying to help build the world they wish to see.

Spend enough time in the thick of the fight and you become conditioned to it, poisoned by its cynicism and contempt, hardened by its continual cruelty. Face the world in a battle posture long enough and you lose the ability to live any other way.

Too many people can only function if they have a villain to war with, a cause to rail against, an evil to condemn.

I’m conscientiously objecting to that fruitless war these days…

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Pastor, Be Brave.

I have been doing some true soul searching in regards to the “Church” as it stands. I have viewpoints they don’t agree with and I am not going to keep going from Church to Church looking for people that completely agree with me. It will never happen. Reading this from a Pastor’s perspective has made me realize that I don’t want a Preacher that will only preach what will make the congregation happy, but will seek their spiritual truth and follow the path, even if I don’t agree with it. The Church should not be a popularity contest. It is a place of spiritual learning and communion with God and other Christians. There is a line though that I have when it comes to my spiritual differences. Preaching of hate, violence, degradation of another person or religion will not be tolerated by me and I would have to question the spiritual health and well being in the Church. What should always matter first and foremost is while rules are important and the commandments are important it is vital to ensure that overall the love, tolerance and compassion of Christ is first and foremost in their attitudes and message.

john pavlovitz


Pastor, be brave.

Believe me, I know it isn’t easy.

I never wanted to be a pastor myself. Eighteen years ago I was drafted, pulled into ministry later in life while in the middle of a successful career as an Art Director. What started out as a few seemingly harmless hours a week volunteering with students has led to nearly two decades in full-time service in the Church.

I’ve been where you are. I’m still there now.

One of the things I remember early on, was how strange it felt the first time I got paid to be a pastor. It made me feel legitimized for sure and it was certainly greatly appreciated, but I also realized that things had changed. I was no longer a free-lance believer. I was no longer autonomous. My spiritual life had been leased out and appropriated by a crowd. There was now an ever-growing, ever-changing list…

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Why feminism, not equality?

I like this. Well thought out. Thought I would share on blog. Hope that is okay.


There is a difference between feminism, chauvinism, male chauvinism and equality, and for those who just came in I’d like to spell it out for you. These aren’t really dictionary definitions, but they work.

  • Feminism– A concept, a way of life, or a social structure in which women are given rights, opportunities, duties, respect and importance equal to that given to men.
  • Chauvinism– A concept in which a certain group or faction considers themselves to be superior in any way to other group(s).
  • Male Chauvinism– A concept, or the (rather prevalent) way of life or social structure in which men consider themselves to be superior in most ways to other genders.
  • Equality– The concept in which men and women are equal in all walks of life and should receive equal treatment.

A lot of people I know say that feminism is a repellent word, which gives…

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