100 days in captivity

My blog is about positive change and I am hoping that by re blogging and reminding people about these girls to keep in the prayers and thoughts of others that good can come of it. It never hurts to think of others and pray for their recovery. May God show mercy on them and bring them home.

I am Blaq


Yesterday marked the 100th day in captivity for the school girls abducted from Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria. I can’t believe it’s been that long. We tend to forget or lose track of these things especially when there are more buffeting and immediate problems.

Three days ago, there was a total of 4 bombings in the country – two in Kaduna, one each in Borno and Yobe I think, killing almost a hundred people and injuring scores others. Two days ago there was another in Kano state. There was probably another somewhere yesterday. I didn’t comb through the news.

There hasn’t been one incident free week in Nigeria since the abduction of these girls. But that does not excuse relegating these girls to the background.

The President had a closed door meeting with the abducted girls’ parents. I do not know the outcome. A while back I heard all the girls…

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Response to Daily Journal #57: In the Stars

I do believe somewhat in Astrology, but don’t follow my astrological sign daily. I prefer to try to make my own destiny. Though there have been times of deep confusion when I just didn’t know where to turn or what path to choose that I did do some astrological research. My sign is Pisces and the characteristics of my sign are usually dead on.

This is from: http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/pisces.htm

Pisces Astrology February 19 – March 20

Pisces Strength Keywords:

– Compassionate (yes)
– Adaptable (Yes)
– Accepting (yes)
– Devoted (Yes)
– Imaginative (Yes)

Pisces Weakness Keywords:

– Oversensitive (Unfortunately..YES)
– Indecisive (Yes)
– Self-pitying (Darn it..Yes!)
– Lazy (I can be, but overall in my life I have been told I am the hardest worker they have seen. So..not sure about this.)
– Escapist (Yes..I can be. Especially watching videos at home. Watching the entire LOTR and HOBBIT movies back to back for example because I am depressed.)

Physically the say Pisces have the most trouble with their heart and feet. Absolutely true. I have had heart issues and I have feet issues.

Emotionally: Depression. All my life this has been a problem.

Psychic: I have been known to go up to someone and suddenly take their hand and be able to tel them everything about themselves. I have scared quite a few people with that and definitely don’t make friends that way. I think it happens when these people need to know something about themselves they are hiding from themselves. Not sure. i watch out for this and have kept myself from doing it. I used to have premonitions. Not so much since I refuse to allow myself access to this part of myself. I didn’t see anything I liked. “Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves.” My Psychiatrist once told me that if I keep giving out the life jackets in the boat with all the holes I will go down with the ship.

Life partner/Love: Scorpio is the best match. I have to say that is absolutely true. Even before I knew my hubby was a Scorpio I just felt he was the perfect fit. My hubby is the ultimate Scorpio and I have never felt more like someone is my soul mate than with him.

This is something I am wrestling with right now. I have majored in a business area and I have been told I am good at it. But, I am a touchy, feely manager to a point. But, don’t go over that point. I am acutely aware though as of late that I may not be cut out for this. I am more drawn to writing and creativity and working on social causes and helping people. According to this site this may be why and I would like it to be true. The self-doubt is definitely an issue. especially with my writing. That is what I am really working on now. Self-confidence.

Pisces and Business:

“Pisces are excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual. They are extremely creative and can use their skills of creativity and their understanding of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most Pisces take the easy way out in life and never attain the degree of fame that they possibly could, they have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are capable of being good role models and leaders to others, people do look up to them”

I could go on and on, but these are the parts that really seemed to fit and show what I am fighting. They say Pisces use drugs to escape and other types of “numbing” techniques. I am proud to say I don’t do drugs and do not use alcohol. Though I do have a spending problem and I have had other issues that I won’t go into here. But, I am working on control and that is what is important. That no matter what your horoscope says, they are personality traits and can give you insight into why you do what you do. Ultimately it is you who decides how you are defined and how you allow these traits to shape you.

Tears of the Prophets

I think this an amazing poem and speaks of our times.

Poesy plus Polemics

(Originally posted here April 2013)

Illustration from bongoisme.com Illustration from bongoisme.com

Jerusalem shudders
Her ancient stones bleed
From perpetual combat
Among three great creeds
Whose branches give forth
Each a different hued fruit
Yet all stem precisely
From one selfsame root

Abraham cries against hatred
Christ cries for wars still begun
Mohammed cries at injustice
My God cries for all three His sons

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Its time to Bring Back Our Girls, together we!

As people begin to “forget” about these girls because of the continual violence perpetrated by this group it is necessary to keep reminding people that most of them are still out there. Hopefully alive. Just wanted to put this out there on my blog to remind people to keep them and the people of Nigeria in your prayers.

The Human Lens

#bringbackourgirls, a global campaign demanding the immediate release of over 200 kidnapped school girls that were taken away from the Chibok secondary school in northern Nigeria by the militant group; Boko Haram.

The Nigerian government and world powers have been slow in taking action for the recovery of the girls. And once again, its time for human rights defenders and common people to pressure these stake holders. Let’s engage our solidarity to stand together in this very crucial movement to #bringbackourgirls.

As many human rights groups have come together in these past days, I urge you to please  take action NOW. One way to go about it is by doing this work  keeping the Nigerian people’s dignity and democracy in tact. The mission is simple: #bringbackourgirls, NOW.

We don’t need war, we don’t need military bravado, imperialism or political agendas, we need restorative justice and long-term solutions that are…

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The Right Way To Love God?

I really love this post. It is difficult to find ways places where worship is about the love of God. Not for the perpetuation of discrimination in the name of God.

Susan Cottrell & FreedHearts


What does a “godly” person look like? Is there a right way to love God? Is there a correct path to follow Jesus?

I just returned from my fourth “Christian” conference of the year.

January I was in Chicago for the Gay Christian Network Annual Conference, where some 700 people gathered to celebrate, learn, and share community. Rob and I were among 200 parents, the rest were LGBTQ people, mostly in their 20s and 30s, gathered in the name of Christ. The worship, the camaraderie, the joy of the Lord, filled the conference hall. If you had been there, you would have basked in it! No denomination, no distinction, no made to feel second-class. They’re just brothers and sisters in Christ, full of gratitude for Christ in us, the hope of glory.

God is God.

In June I returned to Chicago for a “By Parents, For Parents” conference. Parents of LGBTQ…

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