Share Your World (SYW)

I have really gotten to enjoy Cee’s challenges and have participated, but not as much as I have wanted. So, I thought I would give this one a try.

Does your first or middle name have any significance (or were you named after another family member)?

My first name is based on a few things. My mother and especially my father loved classical music. I think it is my favorite kind next to Appalachian/Celtic. A pavan was a courtly dance in the 16th and 17th century. Ravel wrote a piece of music that he envisioned a Princess in those courts would dance to. It was called Pavane pour une infante defunte. It was a favorite of my father’s. There are many versions, contemporary and classical. There are a couple of vocal versions of the song “Never say goodbye” and “Elysium” are based on the melody. My mother was an anthropologist/sociologist who specialized in Hindu culture. The name is also “Breeze” in Hindu. My name is spelled Pavanne because the Anne is in homage to my mother’s cousin named Mary Anne and my middle name Marie is for my mother’s best friend Marie. It was not a name that you appreciated when you were younger, but I have grown to appreciate it and the meanings behind it.

Music or silence while working?

I like to have music in the background. Quiet and soothing when I want to be really creative or studying and a bit more energetic if I am doing research for articles.

If you had a special place for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronics, people or animals), what would they be?

My wedding ring stays on my finger at all times. I have pictures drawn by my brother’s friend that are on my wall over my desk in the den. They are done with watercolor markers and ink. I love them, they were wonderful gifts. I have two mantels from a house built in the 1700’s that my father was trying to save before he passed away. I couldn’t afford to fix it after he passed, but I saved the mantels and have them in my home. One is in my den and one is in the foyer hall. The one in my den is not pretty but is roughly hand made and most likely by a freed slave that lived in the house for quite a few years.

The Never List: What are things you know you never will do?

I don’t know what I will never do. I don’t think I will ever do patient care again as I am physically unable to do so. At least not in the way I did as a nurse or respiratory therapist. I don’t like to think of things I can’t do, but what I can do.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am grateful that I have a home to live in with a roof that doesn’t leak and heat. It needs a lot of work, but it home. I am looking forward to allowing myself to stop grieving over my past life and the things I can’t do anymore and move on to things that I can do.

Daily Prompt: Because the Night


Are you a night owl or are you the early bird? What’s your most productive time of day? When do you do your best work?

As you can tell from the picture. I am definitely a night owl. I seemed to do my best writing and work at night. Which is literally annoying my husband to no end as he likes to snuggle at night and I am up typing away at the keyboard. I love owls as well. I think they are the most beautiful, interesting creatures of the winged variety. Next to hummingbirds that is. And the mystery and mythology surrounding them is something I can read about all the time.

I think one of the reasons I stopped blogging as much is I tried to keep to regular daytime hours to do my blogging and it just has not worked for me. So, I am going to try and blog at night after hubby has gone to sleep. Hah…but now I have to get used to being up late again.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” by Nance.

I have been so fortunate to meet so many wonderful people while I have been blogging. It has been a great experience. Meeting new people, hearing their stories, learning about their different lives and cultures. Nance is one of the wonderful bloggers that I have had the privilege of reading her posts. I write my blog from my heart. I want to be able to tell my story and my experiences so that I can be of help to others and hopefully show that you can recover from tragedy and hardship. I want people to know they can make a difference in other people’s lives for the better. They make a difference in this world for the better because they can. You never know when the simplest of acts of kindness and generosity can lead to the biggest changes in a person’s life and make this world a better place. I am fortunate to be a member of a great group of bloggers that participate in “Covey View”. There are great stories and great writers in this group and I am glad to know them.

Thank you again Nance for nominating me. It is a great honor.


Here are the guidelines:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you. (Nance!)
  2. List the rules and display the award. (Here they are)
  3. Share seven facts about yourself. (below)
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated. 
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you. (Done)

Seven Facts About Me:

1.  I have actually started outlining the 5 stories that I have wanted to write forever. I even have a page one with a paragraph on one of them.

2. I am still in school working on my Gradate Certificate in Project Management and Six Sigma Black belt.

3. I would love to get involved in community theater. I love the theater and drama club in high school was one of my favorite things to do.

4. I believe in Ghosts, the Afterlife in general and UFO’s. I have had too many experiences with each of these areas not to.

5. I  want to start a new movement in America called “Equalism”. It is similar to the Humanist Movement. 😀

6. I love the outdoors. Especially if I can find a nice quiet place in the woods next to a lake and just sit and contemplate. I do hate mosquitoes though, so have plenty of bug spray.

7. I believe that God intervened in my life at one point, my turning point, and that I am here for a purpose. I believe it is to help others and to help them aspire to better and bigger things. And it is my sincere hope that I continue to be an inspiration for people.

There are so many blogs that I follow and people that I have met since starting. There are many that don’t want anymore awards and I need to be sure to track those. But here is a list of some of my most inspiring writers:

The Happy Quitter: (The trials and tribulations of quitting smoking)

Regular Indian Girl: (Writing about very important issues for women in India)

Rajivchopra: (Beautiful Photographs)

My Hong Kong Husband: (Very interesting story of her family life)

Awanamiss: (Really good story teller)

Bob and Emily: (She has a wonderful sense of humor)

PriyanClicks: (Another great photographer)

Millie Anne Lowe: (Writing a very interesting Serial in her blog right now)

O at the Edges: (A great place to read poetry and get tips)

Jeanne de Montbaston: (Interesting articles on history and women)

Written on pavements: (Beautiful words and pictures)

Hugh’s Views and News: (Good stories)

Dandelion Fuzz: (Good writing)

Eye Will Not Cry: (Like the music videos)

All our Lemmony Things: (interesting articles)

Thank you again to all of the people that read my blog and have expressed their faith in my and their hope that I keep blogging. Even when I feel that I can’t I try to remember the purpose of my blog is to teach/inspire people that they “Can!” 

Love and blessings to all.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award-Such wonderful support!


When I was going through the Wild Habitat at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA I saw the Bald Eagles they have saved and rehabbed but can no longer fly. This particular Eagle’s story just inspired me and reminded me that even though he can no longer fly he is still beautiful and a strong image of God’s power of creation. Even though so many of us are broken and maybe we will never fly as before, we are still beautiful and purposeful creatures able to inspire with our existence.

Rules for accepting the award nomination:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who have nominated me for this award. I was out sick for a bit and fell behind so I am going to write one post. I can’t thank those that follow me enough for their inspiration, support and wonderful stories. They help to keep me going as much as I hope I help them. Love and blessings to you all. Thank you Nida for your nomination. I love reading your stories. Your creativity and insight is truly inspiring to me. Karuna, your spiritual journey is truly inspiring as well and has awakened a desire in me to explore this avenue of my life again. Liz, I have not been able to read as much of your work as I would like and am making sure I do this. Your “About Me” section really spoke to me. Thank you so much for your nomination. Nicole, your journey through this illness will only make your spirit stronger. And it is already a strong spirit. Thank you so much for following me and nominating me for this award.


1. I am a grandma of four wonderful children.

2. I have a wonderful and supportive husband I love.

3. I believe education, science and logic are perfectly compatible with a spiritual life.

4. I love science fiction and fantasy.

5. I wish I could have been an actress. I am putting it on my bucket list to try acting again. You are never to old to play a part-well, admittedly I might have problems playing the part of a 20 something. Nah…I will just look old for my age.

6. I love history and believe by fully accepting the past for what it was and learning from it, not living in it, we can move on to greater things.

7. I am continually working at “becoming more”.


A word, or two, on comments


Meet Hugh – Updated December 2023

I know there needs to be 15 and I think I have 6 to go. I will work on these some more. There are so many people that inspire me to do more. To care more, write more, photograph more. So much talent and so little time. 😀

Giving Credit where Credit is due

I want to publicly apologize to lovehappynotes for using her photograph in my header without permission. I did not see her copyright and I did not remember which blog I saw the photograph in and just used it, but gave credit for the photograph to “another blogger”. She has copyrighted her blog and I did not see that. It is Important to be sure that you ask permission before using another person’s photograph or work. It is their time, talent and inspiration you are looking at. It is important to give them credit for that. It is important to acknowledge another person’s work. While I really love the photograph, I have some of my own that I am going to use instead. Here is her website. She has some wonderful stuff in there and I really enjoy her work.

I was nominated for a Leibster Awarded by Eli Garmont

11 Questions For My Nominees:

1. How you describe your style?

Good Question. This is one I had to think about. Overall I would say my style is laid back. I love a nice pair of comfortable jeans, a nice pair of shoes and a nice shirt. Though I usually end up in a T-shirt, sweat pants and tennis shoes. My husband says when I dress up though I clean up nicely and I would prefer a very nice outfit from Ann Taylor or Brooks Brothers. I love their clothes.

2. Favorite food?

I love steak. I admit it, I am a meat eater. I try to eat responsibly, but if there is a nice thick steak on the grill, forget it. I am there.

3. What’s the most important thing on a relationship?


4. Do you collect something?

I have stopped collecting at this time, but I used to collect Cloisonné and Fritz and Floyd mice.

5. If you could be a pair of shoes, what type would it be?

Easy Stride

6. Favorite TV show?

Depends on the season, but right now it is Game of Thrones.

7. What’s the main issue that worries you about your country and how you can change that?

The economy and the enlarging gap between the rich and the poor. In order for any society to survive it must have a stable “middle class:. Without the “middle class” there is no work base, no tax base to work from and no stability. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer to the point that society collapses. Two pyramids that stand on point, one facing the other. So, unstable that anything that disturbs the balance will destroy both. That is what I can see happening in this country.  

8. Favorite season and why?

I love the fall. I have always loved the fall. The colors, the smell of the woods. Halloween, Fall festivals full of apples, pumpkins, baked goods of every sort. Wonderful. The weather is usually such that I can tolerate going out and my fibromyalgia doesn’t bother me too much.

9. Favorite quote?

“As the sun rises tomorrow, there is hope for a better today.”

10. What was your first thought when you saw this nomination?


11. Why eleven questions when it can be 10?

Good question. I am not sure, but I see as one more opportunity to find out something great about someone else.

Thank you for the nomination Eli!

I changed my blog theme, My Leibster Award Nominees and Questions.

I changed my blog theme. I liked the other one because of the colors, but it was hard to read. So, I changed it to a cleaner, easier to read theme. I also wanted to acknowledge that the photograph I used for my header was taken by someone else and I “borrowed” it. I hope they don’t mind. I just love the look of the picture.

I had put my Liebster Award Nominees in my Part 2 post, but didn’t put the questions for them. So, I need to do that in this post.

My Nominees:

My 11 Questions are:

Why did you start blogging?

What is one goal you really hope to achieve this year?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite Book and why?

What is your favorite movie and why?

What is your pet peeve?

What is one thing you would change in the world?

Do you have a pet?

If there is one thing you could teach your child/children what would it be?

Do you believe in Ghosts?

What is your favorite season of the year and why?

Thank you to all of the people who read my blogs, who have nominated me for the Leibster Awards and have liked my posts. This is a wonderful experience and is helping me to realize how much there is to offer the world in the way we support one another and our thoughts.


My Leibster Awards part 2

So onto part 2 of my Leibster Awards write up. I just want to state that all of these people have wonderful blogs themselves. Lively and full of self exploration.

Nicole Davis:

Annabel: (She was the first one to ever nominate me!)

Nicole Davis:

  1. What is your simple pleasure in life? That one things that puts a smile on your face.

         The smiles of my grandchildren. Listening to music.

2.      If you could talk to one dead person who would it be? Why?

         It would be my father. I do not like to make promises I cannot keep. I have tried very hard in my life to ensure that when I promise   something I do it. My father bought a little farmhouse that was built in the 1700’s, early 1800’s. It did not have electric or water and all that needed to be put into the house along with other significant repairs. My father asked me, I didn’t know he knew he was dying, to make sure the house doesn’t get torn down and that I would finish restoring the house. When I promised him this I thought he would be around for awhile and that we would work on these things together. I shared his vision for the little house. He died shortly after I made the promise and it has bothered me to this day that I allowed my husband to talk me out of keeping that promise. I keep thinking I should have at least tried. But, I admit I was overwhelmed by the thought of it. So, I would say I am sorry to him.

3. What is one thing you have lost that you wish you had back?

Time. I wish I had the early years of my children’s lives back. I was working hard, harder then I really needed to in retrospect and I lost so much time with them. Time I will never have back. It wasn’t worth it.

4. If you were in your dream home, describe how the view from your back window would differ from your current view.

There would be large picture windows and French doors that open to a large deck. There are stairs that lead to a path that slopes down through the trees. Over and just beyond the trees you can see a large lake. Calm and sparkling in the evening sunset.

5. Do you share your blog with family/friends in real life?

Yes. If they wish to read it, they can.

6. Do you have any annoying habits?

I bite my nails and I say “Awesome” a lot. Especially if I am nervous. Not great habits for job interviews.

7. What habit do you find the most annoying in other people?

That they interrupt others and don’t allow them to finish speaking.

8. What is one life event you never saw coming?

My breakdown on leaving the Navy. I thought I was so much stronger than that. I fell apart for awhile.

9. At what age did you truly grow up? If you haven’t yet, what age do you think you will grow up?

Lol..I haven’t. I don’t think I really ever will. But, the age of 25 was a life defining time for me and that was when I really started to change and “grow up”.

10. If you could go back and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be and why?

That I am worth so much more than anyone thinks. That while it matters to me what my family thinks, I cannot let it define me. That it is okay not to get married. That it is okay to try and be my own person. That if don’t love yourself you can’t really love someone else. That it is okay to love myself.

11. Tell us about something that made an impact on your life.

The day I was saved from myself. I was 25 and had left my husband and gave my baby to my father and step mother because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I might have ended up living in my car or on the street and I wanted better for her. Anyone would be better than the piece of trash that I felt I was. I had “escaped” with my boyfriend to CT and was staying with my mother. It was a horrible situation. I had just gotten a call that night from my father who said I would never see my baby again. They were going to take her from me. They had told me they would keep her until I found a place, not that they were never going to let me see her again. I fell apart. The next day I took a bunch of pills and sat in the cemetery across the street and waited to die. I figured that I wouldn’t inconvenience anyone. I felt a warmth, a presence. I felt warm, comforted and safe and I felt above all else love. A voice in my mind told me to “Get up.  Get up and get help. God is not done with you yet. You have more to do. You have a purpose and it is not done yet. As you have heard, “God does not make Junk.” Is your life really worth the opinions of others? Get up.” So, I got up and went home. My boyfriend took me to the hospital and they had me drink the charcoal and throw up. But, there were very few pills in my stomach. I don’t remember there being any pills. That was my miracle. Because my Mom was on pretty heavy medications at the time. I truly believe that I was saved that day. That was the day I made up my mind to not give up, to get up and keep going no matter what and find what my purpose in this life is. It was the turning point in my life.


If you could choose any era to live in (including modern day), what would you choose?

I would choose the modern era. Primarily because of women’s rights. I don’t think I could live in a society that didn’t allow me to think and say what I choose. If you ever read the book “The Handmaid’s Tale” it will really make you think about the position of women in society and how terrible it could be. The women in America really take our rights for granted.

What has been your favourite post to write so far?

This one. Answering these questions and learning how to link to others. It is interesting the questions people ask.

In a zombie apocalypse, what weapon do you choose?

I had originally thought a machete, but decided that you have to get too close to use that. The next best thing a pipe bomb or a bow and arrow. You can make new arrows and you can shoot them from a safe distance. I really hate Zombies. I hate the thought of them and definitely freak out even now during a Zombie movie. I can’t watch the walking dead.

Do seals have to write essays, and what would they write them on?

They write on Kelp paper so they can eat their essays when they are done.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to have with you, who would it be?

Survivor Man! If I could survive his ego that is. But, I think I would want my husband with me actually.

If you could choose to be any animal, what would you be?

A cat. They can hunt, they can defend themselves. They think they are God’s gift to the world. They purr. They give love and yet if they don’t want you, they can just leave without a second thought. They can see in the dark. I think that would be cool.

What’s your idea of a good evening?

A nice dinner and a movie with the family at home.

Favourite book?

Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice. A favorite series is: Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey.

If you didn’t write, what would fill the gap?

Garden, read. Play Dragon Age and Guild Wars.

What’s your happiest memory?

The day I met my husband.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

I would try to make a multifunction wish. I would wish that humanity would make the happiness and fulfillment of their fellowman and the preservation of our world their single purpose. In so doing they would find sustainable energy, have peace, love one another.

One of the other questions I had was what was a favorite song of mine:

This song makes me smile and tears come to my eyes. I love the melody, I love the words.

My Nominees:

I am going to work on nominating more people later. I just don’t want to lose this post like I did the last one. I want to do more research and find some people that have not been nominated. Take care, love and blessings to all who read my musings.



Beautiful Moments. Life is like that.

I changed the title of this post several times. I was going to write “Just going to keep trying” because it has gone from a few hard days to a few terrible days. It is difficult to stay in the frame of mind that requires staying positive when bouts of depression and pain kick in. All I can say is if you hang in there it will pass and it is starting to pass. And that is what I constantly remind myself. Life is like that. Full of ups and downs, hills and valleys. (Chuckling) I don’t think I have really ever hit the height of a peak in my life, but I am working in that direction. There is so much I want to say and to do. On days that I think that I can’t do “this life” anymore I remind myself of how far I have come and how much I want to do. I look out the window and look at the sun or if there is no sun, I look at the clouds and the rain. I look for one beautiful thing and go on from there.

I was sitting at the table trying to think of something to write the other day and I saw something fluttering from the pine trees in the back. At first I thought they were butterflies or small birds. But, they were seed pods from the trees. They released them in mass. Small, brown seed pods, whirling from the trees and carried on the wind. They flashed colors of gold and brown in the sunlight as they were carried away. I wish I had my camera I would have taken a picture or video. But, it was over as quickly as it started. I am a nature person and love the outdoors and I have never seen that. It was beautiful, graceful, and peaceful. 

Life is like that. Moments of beautiful when you least expect it. 
